

特定职业定向邀请(Category-based selection):

2023年5月31日,加拿大移民局宣布,快速通道EE对特定职业进行定向邀请特定职业定向邀请 category-based selection invitations),该类别与原有的EE全类别和特定项目邀请并行,旨在解决加拿大特定行业的经济目标.




   特定职业定向邀请(Category-based selection) 
特定职业定向邀请(Category-based selection)
特定职业定向邀请(Category-based selection)
特定职业定向邀请(Category-based selection)
特定职业定向邀请(Category-based selection)


1.过去三年内至少连续工作6个月 (加拿大境内或海外皆可),工作经验需要在上述列表里的同一个职业目录下




欢迎来到枫路移民 “Road To Canada“!

作为您在移民和入籍加拿大需求上的值得信赖的合作伙伴,我们RTC国际咨询公司作为加拿大持牌移民顾问(Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultants – RCICs)、移民律师,致力于为寻求将加拿大作为新家园的个人提供专业全面的移民服务。


Our expertise lies in offering professional immigration, education, and settlement consulting services to clients both locally and overseas. With a special emphasis on the Asian market, including mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and beyond, we have successfully helped numerous clients achieve their immigration goals.

枫路移民,我们专注于各类移民计划和服务。无论您对快速通道系统(Express Entry)、劳动力市场影响评估(LMIA)、省提名计划(PNP)、家庭担保类别、永久居民身份、工作许可、留学许可还是旅游签证和外籍员工招聘感兴趣,我们专业的RCIC团队将为您提供全程指导。

We begin by thoroughly evaluating your qualifications and assessing the options available to you. We then provide tailored guidance on the necessary steps to take for a successful immigration process. With our in-depth knowledge of Canadian immigration laws and regulations, we are equipped to handle complex cases and maximize your chances of a positive outcome.

Don’t hesitate to reach out to one of our experienced Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultants at Road To Canada. We are eager to assist you in making your Canadian dreams a reality. Contact us today for a consultation and let us navigate the path to your new life in Canada together.

探索您的加拿大梦 “Canada Dream”:由加拿大的合法持牌移民顾问、移民律师为您提供全面的移民和签证服务

Canada, known for its welcoming nature, diverse culture, and ample opportunities, has become a sought-after destination for individuals seeking to live, work, study, or reunite with their loved ones. At Road To Canada (RTC), our regulated Canadian immigration consultants take pride in offering full immigration and visa services for Canada, ensuring that your journey to this beautiful country is smooth and hassle-free.

Our team of experienced professionals – Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultants, are specializes in various immigration streams, catering to a wide range of needs and aspirations. Let’s delve into the comprehensive services we provide:

Skilled Worker ImmigrationCanada is constantly in search of skilled professionals to contribute to its thriving economy. We assist individuals with the application process for skilled worker immigration, guiding them through the Express Entry system, provincial nominee programs, and other relevant pathways.

Business Investors ImmigrationEntrepreneurs and investors looking to establish or expand their business ventures in Canada can rely on our expertise. We provide guidance on business investors immigration programs, such as the Start-up Visa program and the Immigrant Investor Venture Capital program.

自雇移民:If you possess exceptional skills and talent in cultural or athletic fields, our self-employed immigration services can help you navigate the application process and fulfill your dreams of pursuing your passion in Canada.

Family-sponsored immigration:Reuniting families is a priority, and our team is dedicated to assisting with family sponsorship immigration. We understand the importance of family connections and work diligently to bring loved ones together in Canada.

省提名移民:Each Canadian province has its own unique immigration programs to address regional labor market needs. We offer comprehensive support for provincial nominee immigration, guiding you through the specific requirements and application process.

Refugees and protected persons:For individuals seeking refuge and protection in Canada, we provide guidance on refugee and protected person applications, ensuring your safety and security.

Temporary Resident Visa:If you are planning a temporary stay in Canada for tourism, business, or visiting family and friends, our services include assisting with temporary resident visa applications to make your visit hassle-free.

Temporary Resident Permit:In certain circumstances where individuals may not meet the usual entry requirements, we help navigate the process of obtaining a temporary resident permit, ensuring you have the necessary authorization to enter and stay in Canada temporarily.

Study Permits and Visas:Canada offers outstanding educational opportunities. Our team assists aspiring students in processing study permit and visa applications, ensuring a smooth transition to Canadian educational institutions.

Work Permits and Visas:With numerous employment opportunities in Canada, we support individuals in acquiring work permits and visas, enabling them to work legally and contribute to the thriving workforce.

Visitor Records:If you're already in Canada as a visitor and wish to extend your stay, our services include assisting in applying for visitor records, allowing you to prolong your stay and explore the beauty of Canada.

Permanent Resident Card: As a permanent resident of Canada, the Permanent Resident Card serves as your official proof of residency. We provide guidance on the application process, ensuring you have the necessary documentation to access the benefits of permanent residency.

Citizenship Application: Once you meet the requirements for Canadian citizenship, we assist in preparing and submitting your citizenship application, aiding you in taking the final step towards your journey in Canada.